Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Enjoying the “Red Chicken”

Our 2021 post-COVID Thanksgiving was large and wonderful, with all of my husband’s siblings convening on our house for a big gathering.  We also added his parents and mine, so we had a wonderful crowd!  After 1 1/2 years of not seeing each other much, we were ready to get together again.  We did a family Thanksgiving, along with an early family Christmas the following day.  It was wonderful to see each other again!

The last time I saw my youngest nephew he was a baby, and now he is an active toddler full of life and personality.  As he asked for another helping of ham, I was tickled by his request for more “red chicken.”  It is funny how kids process things in a way they can understand.  

I wonder how we do the same?  How often does God look down and chuckle at our feeble attempts to explain His actions and plans with our limited understanding?  What glorious and profound things do we miss?  At times we can still enjoy things, even if we don’t fully understand them, as my nephew enjoyed his meal.  

Perhaps at times we should not aspire to understand God’s plan, but rather should simply enjoy what He offers us.  May we continue to take joy in good things as they are experienced, even if, in our limited understanding, we think of them as “red chicken.”