Monday, September 16, 2024

Feeling the “Nudge”

Yesterday, I had the privilege to host a reception for some dear friends.  Any party is only as good as its participants.  Lucky for me, the participants showed up.

I am deeply appreciative of the lovely ladies who hostessed the shower, as well as the men and women who spoke at the event.  I had a few pre-scheduled to talk, but the rest was organic.  The Holy Spirit moved people, just as He healed people yesterday.  I was blessed to be a part of it. 

We got to prove how many people we could truly hold in our formal dining area, and just how hot our house could get with about 125 people in it.  But the thoughts and wishes were way warmer than how we physically felt in the room.  Love heals, and much healing happened yesterday.  

The honoree spent his career at our church pouring into the lives of young people.  It was extra special to have his former students speak, and one sang a song of which our honoree supported the creation.   

“Even on the coldest night

We still always find the light

We’re singing ‘Hallelujah, I love you Lord.’

We don’t want to see darkness and despair

We just want to see hands in the air

Praising Hallelujah, I love you Lord.

Hallelujah, I love you Lord.”

When we feel a Holy Spirit “nudge” to do something, we should do it.  Several felt that “nudge” yesterday, and it blessed others.  God deserves the praise and honor for all of it.