A few weeks ago, I was digging up bulbs in my flower garden to move them to another site. As I was searching the ground for these bulbs, I came across some unexpected findings—hibernating frogs.
At first I was a bit alarmed. I thought they were dead, yet as I handled them I saw them move very slightly. They clearly were alive, yet they surely were not awake. They had no ability with their own effort to get themselves back where they belonged. All I could think to do was to put them back into the dirt at about the same depth where I found them. I could not help but think that I was “planting frogs.”
Sometimes life tosses us the unexpected, and this is a small example of that. As we enter into the Christmas season, we will have our routines disrupted and may sometimes find ourselves outside our comfort zone. The same tender mercy that delivered these sleepy frogs back into their hibernation area may serve us well as we deal with people who are stressed, in a rush, or grouchy. Sometimes a small act of kindness goes a long way.
I hope you get the chance to “plant” some seeds of peace and joy in your friends and family during this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!