Tuesday, December 25, 2018
My Halfway-Mary Moment
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Planting Frogs
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Most Excellent Theophilus
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
A Humble Spirit for the Holidays
Monday, October 1, 2018
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
In church yesterday, one of our scriptures was 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” After following politics this week we may think there is much to fear. This is simply not true.
Do we trust God? In church yesterday our children sang a song with the chorus: “And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us then what could stand against?“ We are teaching songs like this to our children, yet in our own heart we doubt this statement when we fear the politics in our government.
God never said that United States of America was part of his long-term plan. While we may strongly desire the United States of America to continue to be a strong Christian nation, this may not be essential to God’s plan. God cares about the whole earth, all of its contents, and all nations. We are not a favorite in his eyes. We could end up like ancient Israel, wiped out and sold into slavery, yet God saved a faithful remnant to build his next nation. He led them with a pillar of fire, fed them with manna from heaven, and made water come from a rock. Surely he can withstand the antics of a Supreme Court nomination process!
It is not our place to judge how God is doing his job. When we fear crazy antics of our government, are we saying that we believe that a crooked politician has more power than our God? Are we saying that our challenged government has the power to thwart God‘s plan? They may very well have the power to ruin the foundation of this nation, yet they are no match for my God!
God’s final plan is just, and his plan is perfect. It is only through this truth that frustrated Christians can find peace and rest.
Is God calling you to take action? If God is leading you, then obey. Yet God will not lead you to hate or anger, so be careful that you are not getting your motivation from an evil source.
The closing hymn we sang in church yesterday was “How Great Thou Art.“ Do we believe this? Then stop fearing, and get to work!
Saturday, September 8, 2018
The Unplanned Pursuit of Patience
Saturday, September 1, 2018
A New Taste of Freedom
Sunday, July 8, 2018
The Unlikely Ministry
Martial arts ministry often reaches people who would not otherwise attend church. The premise is really quite simple. The school does a karate demonstration in the community, and people stop to watch. After the show, they hear an evangelistic message. Unlike most commercial karate schools, the martial arts ministry schools often have low tuition fees and available scholarships, making this training available to people with limited financial resources. Sometimes the students have a challenging home life, and flourish in a structured martial arts program. My husband’s local karate school is located in a church gymnasium, and it teaches discipline, discipleship, and evangelism. All instructors are volunteers. The tuition fees are low, and money is applied to direct costs, scholarships, and ministry activities. Over the course of time the ministry has spread to 5 local locations, each led by volunteer black belts. The ministry is financially self-sustaining, and has had a consistent presence in our church for two decades. Many students have been baptized or joined the church after having first attended the karate classes. In summary, churched and unchurched people are taught, encouraged, nurtured, discipled, and saved. This is exactly what an effective ministry should be doing.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
The Road Works Ahead
My daughter is now learning to drive, and she got a lot of practice during our recent trip to the Texas coast. Every time we came across one of those caution signs, we would say to each other “the road works ahead!” I’m glad we cleared that up!
Sometimes our road of life gets a little rocky, and seems to need repair. During these turbulent times, we can come to doubt the plan God has prepared for us. It is helpful to be reminded that “the road works ahead,” even when we doubt God‘s plan or simply do not understand.
The road works ahead. God’s way is the right way, even if there are orange construction cones along the path.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Modern Day Elvis
Thursday, June 28, 2018
I’m Just Here for the Owls
The first night was a lot of fun, and for a special treat there were several barred owls flying amongst the crowd. Given my husband and daughter’s certification as falconers, this was pretty exciting for us. The second night we had no idea what music the artists played, and we had no WiFi or cellular service to look them up. My husband and I decided to go and check it out while my kids stayed behind in our RV.
The music had a good beat, yet some of the lyrics were quite inappropriate, and not consistent with our morals and values. At one point I looked at my husband, and he looked at me. Then the truth came out as he said, “I’m just here for the owls.”
The owls delivered. My husband took some beautiful pictures of them perched on the tree and flying through he air. They were majestic and amazing.
This event reminded me not to miss the beauty around us. Life is sometimes unpredictable and frustrating, yet God always delivers. The beauty is there if we open our hearts and look for it.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Sailing with the Wind
Searching For Dolphins
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Celebrating Judas
Jesus says himself in John 17:12 that this betrayal was foretold in Scripture. In John 13:26, Jesus clearly defines who is going to betray him, and tells Judas to "Hurry and do what you're going to do." He makes it clear in John 14:30-31 that the ruler of this world has no power over Him, yet he will do what the Father requires of Him. This is why Jesus did not resist in his trial, torture, or execution.
I find it interesting to read in John 11:51-52 that Caiaphas "...as high priest at that time [was] led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation. And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world." We don't celebrate Caiaphas either, as he had a clear role in torturing and executing the Jesus we love. Somewhere along the way I missed the fact that he was "led to prophesy." Whether or not he misapplied that prophesy is a matter of debate, nevertheless he fulfilled the role that God had intended him to play.
In Jesus' final days, He tells his disciples "If you really loved me you would be happy that I am going to the Father" (John 14:28). In Jesus' humanity, He would suffer greatly. Yet in His spirit he would overcome the world!
The bottom line is this--someone had to betray Jesus. That takes me back to John 17:12. "I guarded them so that not one was lost, except the one headed for destruction, as the Scriptures foretold." Caiaphas had to overcome the growing interest in Jesus within the Sanhedrin, and God gave Caiaphas a prophecy that led him to appeal for Jesus' crucifixion. Judas had to turn Jesus in at the proper time and location. And Pilate, despite all of his attempts to free Jesus, had to order him crucified. And Jesus explains this in John 19:11 as he tells Pilate, "You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above."
So today, I thank Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate. They played their roles that paved the way for me to have the indwelling Holy Spirit, who is called our Advocate and Counselor. Rejoice!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Bugs In My Coffee
Yesterday it was bugs. Today we added tree particles.
One thing about camping is it reminds you of the little things to be thankful for. Usually it starts with the little things you forgot to bring, like a coffee cup with a lid. We are using a RV with an indoor toilet and thermostat so it is not all that tough. That’s a good thing, because my son did not pack a jacket.
So today I am thankful for jackets, coffee cups with lids, thermostats, indoor toilets, and the campfire wood the prior users of this site left behind. And about a million other things, starting with the three humans that joined me on this trip, and the brilliantly red cardinal that just flew into the tree in front of me.
I certainly don’t intend to let a little bit of “dirty coffee” bother me much. Besides, it was cold anyway.
Help, My Bike is Drowning!
Her desperate plea for her bike made me chuckle. I “rescued” her bike and got her into some dry clothes. The poor little thing was so upset about a problem that really was not a problem at all.
I wonder how often we do the same. Many of the things that upset us are little things when you stop to think about it. I wonder how often God looks down at us and chuckles. Certainly there are times that I have chuckled myself when remembering silly things from my past for which I got pretty upset.
Even our big problems are small problems to God. When I think back to the big problems I have had in the past, I usually find myself saying “That really did work out after all, didn’t it?”
God truly is a faithful God—imagine that.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Peace in the Soul
It does us well to take captive moments like this. I have tasks pending at work, a difficult patient situation for which I am concerned, and challenges brewing with some extended family members. Yet right here, in this moment, I have peace in my soul.
Jesus says “Fear not, for I am with you.” His death on the cross was for us, so that he could come live in us. The Holy Spirit, alive in us, has the power to do so much, and yet we let the struggles of today make us turn away. The result is worry, fear, pain, heartache. Right now, I have none of that, for in this moment, however short that may be, I have peace in my soul.
What worries you today? Perhaps sitting in a quiet place, where you can stare up at nature and bask in the presence of God’s glorious creation, will help you trust Him more. Take that memory captive, and refer back to it as often as you can.
Give It Up, I Don't Smell Good
It impresses me how persistent mosquitoes can be. While I am hiking in the woods, they fly around me looking for a tiny square inch of non-DEET covered skin. It is surprising how long they will fly in front of my glasses sniffing for a non-affected area. Just face it, mosquito, I don't smell good!
Sometimes we are no better. We hover around things we think we want but are not good for us, trying to find some narrow way in. We choose which rules to follow. We rationalize. We let the devil tempt us to keep trying. If you continue to entertain those thoughts, be prepared to get squashed like a bug.
That is why Philippians 4:8 is so important in the lives of believers. We should face the fact that our temptations "stink" and replace those thoughts with things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Think of this as the biblical "sniff" test. If a thought does not have one of these attributes, we should toss it out like we would rotting garbage. Oh, if it were just that easy!
Dear Lord, help me get a little better each day at being able to tell which temptations are not good for me.