Recently, the leaders of my church put out a challenge to all members to post a three minute testimonial video on Facebook. Within a day I had the outline for what I felt called to share, but getting it accomplished was harder than I expected. I don’t know why that should surprise me. Sharing our faith in a prominent way is not what the devil wants, and it makes sense that he would work hard to keep me from it.
He started by playing games with my mind. What will people think of this testimony? Will it hurt my business? Will I look stupid? If I share my weaknesses, will people think less of me? Thankfully God spoke truth to me that being obedient to Him was more important than my fears of what I might face as a result. Round one is over: God 1, devil 0.
Once I actually sat down to do the video, it is amazing how little things got in the way. My hair looks too stringy, and my smile is crooked. The light is too bright, then too dark. The background is too cluttered. My glasses are causing a glare, better take those off. My face is too shiny. Start, stop. Start, stop. Delete, delete, delete. Redo it again, and again. It’s just not perfect. Then God reminded me, “I have never asked you to be perfect.” Okay, I’m ready, the light is fine enough, the location is good enough, and I’m okay with imperfection. Round two is over: God 2, devil 0.
Now the devil sends in reinforcements. I was in the middle of recording and things were going great, then a loud mechanical sound disrupted recording. What are the odds that my neighbor would have his grass mowed at midday on a Thursday in 90 degree full overhead sun? The devil is now playing dirty. I moved to the back of the house, and readjusted the light, the position, the blinds. My hair was okay, my face was not too shiny, my glasses were removed. I was ready. I was midway through that recording when the mowers moved to the backyard. Okay, devil, now you’re just being nasty. At least the front lawn is finished so I set up shop back at the front of the house. The light was right, the background was okay, my glasses were removed. I’m all set. Midway through that recording, out came the blowers, and I am out of time and have to leave for an appointment. Now I’m frustrated and clearly not in the right spirit to record. Then God reminded me that my frustration is exactly what the devil wants, and He turned my frustration into righteous indignation. As soon as I got back home, I sat down again at the front of the house, and made the video. My recording was not perfect, but it was close enough, and I posted it. Round 3 is over: God 3, devil 0.
The next day, one of the church leaders asked for a copy to use in church service that Sunday. The first time I tried to send it the wifi was too slow. The second time, the file was too big. The third time, I used another technique and it finally went through. Bonus round: God 4, devil 0.
Within 4 days the video had 65 Likes, 21 shares, and over 1,000 views. About 400 people got to watch it in person during Sunday church service, which is broadcast live on the web. I don’t know exactly what will happen as a result of this one video or my church’s congregational challenge, but I know the devil will keep fighting. He is not enjoying this sucker punch in his gut. I know each of our individual actions are small, but our God is big, and He is in control of this. It is time to throw the next punch. If God is leading you to share your faith, don’t worry about the earthly fears or about being perfect. Expect that you will have spiritual attacks, and allow God-led righteous indignation drive you toward action.